Music Magazine Cover, Contents & DPS Pages.

My music magazine will be focusing on the genre of rock – sub genres indie, alternative rock and metal.

Target Audience:

Age and Gender-

My magazines target audience will be aiming at teenagers thinking of going to university, students already at university and young adults looking to have a good time ages varying from 16-25. My magazine hasn’t really got any specific gender in mind but maybe more males can relate to it rather than women because there are more male rock bands.

 Use of Technology/Internet-

My target audience are more likely to have a smart phone which they would have internet access on. I think that because most of my target audience would have a smart phone having an app for my magazine would be a great way of advertising it. By having a smart phone you are not restricted by what time you can go on the internet therefore having 24 hour access to you favourite music and websites.

My target audience properly would buy their smart phones on contract like I Phone and Blackberry from popular brands such as Orange, O2 and Vodafone, therefore negotiating with these brands to advertise my magazine and vice versa.

Having an IPod would also be a very important for my target audience because this allows them to listen to their music whenever they want. You could also negotiate with shops such as HMV to advertise the magazine whilst we give are target audience updates on IPod gadgets.

Access to apple on a laptop and using ITunes would be how my target audience get their music, having a deal with ITunes could be very beneficial because my target audience properly wont have a lot of money to buy their music seen as they are mostly university students and spend their money on student life.

Most of my target audience might be very artistic and use a professional camera, this is use to catch the ‘in the moment’ pictures and also is a way of them to document their lives through imagery.

My target audience properly have some form of social networking website like Facebook, Twitter or MySpace and spend a few hours on them on a Sunday night. Also the target audience may have a blogging website account such as tumblr which they update regularly which photographs they have taken themselves or have re-blogged.

Fashion/Style –

The clothing which my target audience wears should reflect on their personality. My target audience have the attitude of not caring about what people think of them and how they dress. My target audience are individuals and dress uniquely.

Their style might have lot of black in it, wearing Dr. Martins and band t-shirts.

Some examples of how my target audience dress:

Shops and online shops that my target audience might buy their clothes from:

  • Topshop
  • Yayer
  • The Cobra Snake
  • Drop Dead
  • The Urban Apparel
  • Beyond Retro
  • Phix Clothing
  • Asos
  • Urban Outfitters

Hobbies and Interests-

My target audience will most likely be interested in music, in some way they would participate in music by either playing a musical instrument, going to gigs for their favourite local band or going to musical festivals such as; Reading Festival, Download Festival, Isle of Wight Festival and T in the park. Most of my target audience have a very unique way of living because they don’t like looking the same, they might have interest in old vintage clothing and items. Skateboarding is also a very popular interest in my target audience especially for the guys. They also have a very artistic side to them, which may involve photography, art, designing objects and fashion designing. Having a journal is important for my target audience they use this to write poems, song lyrics and their feeling about the days.


The aspiration of my target audience may vary my magazines for both students nearly finishing college that might be taking an art or design course and also for students at university which are looking to have a good time.

My target audience might aspirer to work which in any form of media e.g. photographer, director, musician, fashion designer or artist. My target audience don’t necessary want to be a musician, they are just content with being apart of musical culture and are satisfied with just listening to music.

TV Habits-

My target audience would be watching TV late in the evening and sometimes on the weekend whilst doing homework. They would be lying in bed not really listening to the TV but paying some attention. My target audience would prefer television programmes which they can relate to or which is audience at their age range for example ‘Skins’ or ‘Misfits’.

Internet Habits-

My target audience would properly have a Facebook page. This page wouldn’t necessarily to talk with their mates, but rather to advertise their band or express their feeling for a musical genre. Having a Tumblr is a great way of advertising their band and also helps create a story for people to tell, to which aren’t necessarily his /her mates. Blogging is a great way for my target audience to create their own fantasy and tell the world how they see it. On blogging sites you can upload images that you may have taken yourself or have re-blogged from someone else.

Analysis of Other Media Texts-

The NME and Kerrang are the magazines which are similar in some way to how I want to style my magazine and by the content that is in them. Other magazine which might have an influence on how I create my magazine are Rock Sound, Triple J, Mojo and Indie. Although in someone these magazine the bands are mainstream they still started off and not very well known bands and worked their way up to be mainstream. My magazine is planning on having music from indie, rock and a bit of metal in it. Also advertising the fashion and style of each genre and sub-genre. My magazine is going to concentrate more on the alternative side of rock/indie rather than the conventional rock/indie.

Some examples of bands which I might broadcast on a music channel and also my magazine are;

and many more, Linkin Park, Kings of Leon, Guns N’ Roses, Cage the Elephant, Blink 182, The Beatles, The Maccabees, Two door cinema club, Pink Floyd, AC/DC and Rolling Stones

As my main attention for my magazine is trying to influence and target men I would say that figures like David Bowie, Freddie Mercury, Axl Rose, Andy Sixx, Oli Sykes would influence men, however female rockers such as Ann Wilson, Debbie Harry and Joan Jett would influence females.

Magazine Content-

As my target audience is mainly based around students with very little money to actually spend on music, I would properly promote my magazine by giving the occasional CD this would be beneficial because then students wont have to illegally download their favourite bands and would be able to promote their favourite band also. I have also have promotions of subscriptions + discount within the subscription. Help with local gigs and updates on festivals, promoting stage at festivals, offering free tickets to a festival within a competition. Being able to relate with what is written in your magazine is a key element for success so having influential artists and bands having interviews would keep the target audience interested.

As shown above I would feature the artists, this would be bringing back music from the early 70’s to present music. This would be the biggest variety of rock/indie/metal music magazine of our generation. However there would be pull-out poster which you stick on your wall for example. By having pull-out poster and advertising them as ‘FREE’ on the front cover this suggest to the audience that is buying the magazine that it is worth the money you are spending because its ‘FREE’. Including with the music I will also be telling the audience how they can dress like their favourite artist and where they can buy similar outfits from, giving them the rock / indie inspired look.

My editorial style will have a sophisticated tone and register, but with language with suits their interests. The magazine is aimed at mostly students and younger adults, so there will be reference to relationships, sex, drugs, drinking, smoking and some swearing as it relates to modern days society of young adults. My target audience is aged 16-25 so it will have fairly mature content, rather than how you would speak with someone who was 10 or younger.

Possible magazine names-

  • Antiquated
  • Modern Waste
  • Just tonight
  • Alternative shuffle
  • Wasted Youth



For my front cover, my aim is to take a picture that is messy and sees like it hasn’t been thought about to much. My aim is to have my photo taken in a graffitied underground space, out in the middle of a field with different instruments and alternative characters or a photo that appears to be taken at a gig with the artists singing. I would dress the artists in vintage- old fashioned clothing to make them like indie. I am planning on designing the front cover around the colours of clothing the artists are going to wear. To inspire the target audience to play a musical instrument I will be having the artist playing instruments, this is to show that they can relate to the artists.

To keep the genre idea of indie/ alternative bands, I will photograph one female with four males, and then one single female artist and then for the rock genre I will photograph one all male band and then no female artist with four males accompanying her. The general idea of an indie band is one female artist associated with a few guys.


I will market my magazine in a variety of shops, mainstream and individual shops. Mainstream shops that I plan on selling my magazine would be shops like HVM, this is because this shop is a popular well know shop that attracts my target audience and also may be approachable to others if seen. Although I have not targeted my magazine around other music genres such as pop, I would try and attract that audience by my front cover to expand my magazine and my audience. I would like to try and get other audience to recommend my magazine to different audience which would increase my popularity.



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