AS Music Magazine Cover Deconstruction – NME



The colours used for this magazine are bright colours.  The white writing is used because of the white background. The yellow and blue blend in with the colours of the main guy in the middle of the image wearing the checked shirt. The yellow and red blend with the bracelet that the guy on the right is wearing.

The yellow immediately catches the audience’s eye and makes them engage with the magazine. The bright colours are eye catching for the target audience age 16-24, these colours represent fun with the target audience can relate to.

The colours suggest that it’s going to be quirky and quite indie. The colours are quite in your face and bold which attracts a larger target audience because it seems to attract attention purely on the image of the magazine

The font isn’t really anything special, it is just a standard font which is simple, the editor wouldn’t spend a lot of time thinking of what font to use because the font isn’t as important as what the words are in that font.

The most significant element of the magazine cover is the masthead. This is red and white being outlines by black. Having the black outline this draws your attention to it straight away and it quite ‘in your face’. The masthead has to be the most eye catching because it is the name of the company and they are trying to sell their product.

The main elements are the magazine are straight and don’t breaking any conventional rules. The rotations of the features ‘the first joint interview’ and ‘blue rip’ give the effect that they have just been placed their without any consideration and look like a ‘sticker’.

Text elements

The barcode is down on the bottom right side, also with the date and price in small print so that the audience can’t see how much they have to pay for the magazine. Usually the audience look at the magazine before reading the price of it and by that time they decided that they have to pay it already. The placement of the price is important because the editor isn’t aiming for the reader to look at the price.

Each of the promotions are in separate boxing, this is trying to attract the audience at different times and trying to entice them into thinking that there is something for the different audience.

The text is the same size but although it is the same font adding a thumbnail attracts the audience. This is prioritizing each section of the magazine. Although Nme’s colours are black and red they have not used these colours to advertise anything on their magazine. They have used very bold colours such as blue, yellow and white to draw attraction from their target audience.

The text features have an order of importance because they have trying to advertise the main articles in the magazine and by doing this they create the font and colour of the text to entice the target audience into reading a certain section first.

By adding a thumbnail Nme are trying to set an order of importance. By adding a picture it makes you want to look at that article first. Whilst looking at the picture you can also have your own opinion of what they are going to talk about in the article. Having thumbnails creates space for the audience to have their own views on a topic and therefore makes the audience feel like they are getting into the magazine.

This particular magazine issue is not trying to sell its website as much as a magazine like pop genre because the target audience are younger and into downloading and getting the latest updates, whereas rock magazines don’t try to advertise their website because it is targeted at a much older age which don’t spend much time on the internet downloading.


The main image is a group of young good looking guys who are in a band called ‘The Wombats’. This band attracts different genre because they are relatively new, boys may aspire to be like them and girls may want to be with them.

This image has been taken in a studio but doesn’t look like it has been taken professionally. The guys don’t really seem to care about what they look like and how they appear to others. This is the style of rockers; the messy, dirty look is how they are represented.

The rest of the cover is completely full, which shows that the magazine isn’t short on anything and will have something that you can relate to in the magazine.

Target audience

This magazine has appealed to its target audience the font cover image, the image is indie and unique. Each of the males in the main image are doing different poses which indicates that they are different from each other and have different characteristics. This magazine shows that they have live interviews with the artists so everything is from the artist point of view which helps you if you’re in a band yourself relate with your role models. Having bright colours on your magazine show individuality and attracts more of the younger audience, the colours are also attractive which most people also buy products because of how they have been presented.

The target audience of this magazine is aimed at an older audience from 18-25, this is show by the language and context used in the magazine referring to ‘sex’ and ‘drugs’, this magazine would also have contents of swearing in it which would be used if the magazine was aimed at a younger target audience. In this magazine it is not aimed at a specific gender so the magazine is equal to both genders.


NME magazine is published by IPC media, a subsidiary of time Inc.

The company publishes other magazines such as ‘Nuts’, ‘Marie Claire’, ‘Loaded’ and ‘Time’ including many more.

IPC Media also have a NME Radio station, NME TV station and also have their own tent at festivals such asReadingand Leeds Festival.

The company also is involved with publishing newspapers, books and magazines. On the NME website IPC Media offers information about their company and about their brand name. You can also subscribe to the magazine and a weekly email telling you about all the updates. They advertise their brand name and offer you job opportunities within the industry.


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